UCDA Design Conference 2014

T-Pain video wins design award

We just received word that the T-Pain Misses You video was a winning entry in the 2014 UCDA Design Competition.

The video received an Award of Excellence out of 1,000 total entries this year. It will be on display at the UCDA Design Conference this year in Long Beach, CA, on Sept 20-23.

The UCDA Design Competition recognizes the best of the exceptional design work done to promote educational institutions (secondary, vocational, or higher education).

Major thank-you’s to University Photographer Tim Barcus, Travis Miles (production assistant), Winston Vanderhoof (for submitting the video) and of course the unequalled Truman State University President Troy Paino, who shaped the vision for the project and lent his incredible talent and good-natured spirit for the video.

You can watch the winning video here.

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